Jizhou Li


Jizhou Li is currently a Vice-Chancellor Assistant Professor at Department of Electronic Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. With his background in mathematics and engineering, Dr. Li has consistently pursued advancements in the field of transdisciplinary imaging science, advancing both the methodologies and applications of various imaging techniques, including optical, X-ray, and electron microscopy. While his work aims to push the boundaries of various scientific domains, fostering accelerated interdisciplinary research and discovery (AI for Science), he also emphasizes its tangible impact in the industrial sector, ensuring that his findings translate into practical and measurable outcomes (AI for Industry).

Dr. Li has published over 40 peer-reviewed articles in prestigious journals/conferences, such as Science, Nature, Nature research journals, PNAS, IEEE Transactions, among others. He was the recipient of a few awards from IEEE and SIAM, including two best conference paper awards from IEEE Signal Processing Society and Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, and CVPR Best Paper Award Finalist from IEEE Computer Society.

Research Experience

The Chinese University of Hong Kong 08/2024 - Present

Vice-Chancellor Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering

City University of Hong Kong 09/2022 - 08/2024

Assistant Professor, School of Data Science

Stanford University 11/2018 - 08/2022

Postdoctoral Scholar,
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Howard Hughes Medical Institute

The Chinese University of Hong Kong 08/2014 - 11/2018

Ph.D. Researcher, Department of Electronic Engineering


Reviewer for Journal

Nature Publishing Group
Nature Methods
Nature Communications

Cell Press

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging

Optica Publishing Group
Optics Letters
Optics Express

Reviewer for Funding Agency

French National Research Agency (Agence Nationale de la Recherche, ANR)

Area Chair for Conferences

International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) AI for Science Workshop
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)

Last Updated: Aug 2024